University of California San Francisco

Magdalene Brooke MD
Magdalene Brooke, M.D.

General Surgery Resident
UCSF-East Bay Surgery Program


    Magdalene Brooke, M.D. completed her undergraduate training at Scripps College, followed by medical school at Case Western Reserve University. Now, she is a general surgery resident at UCSF - East Bay in Oakland, CA. The last two years of her residency were spent working with Dr. Gregory Victorino, MD, FACS, in his lab at Highland Hospital, conducting clinical research in the area of Trauma and Critical Care. One particular area of interest was violence prevention policy in Oakland. Magdalene has completed her two years of dedicated research time, and is working on completing the clinical portion of her surgical residency.



    Scripps College, Claremont, California, B.A., German, 2007

    Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, M.D., 2012


    University of California San Francisco - East Bay General Surgery, Oakland, California, 2012-present


    Clinical Interests

    General Surgery, Trauma, Critical Care, Injury Prevention, Healthcare Policy

    Research Interests

    General Surgery

    Clinical Surgery